O9A Transgression And Subversion

Posted: June 24th, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: Heretical Texts, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Richard Moult, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on O9A Transgression And Subversion


O9A Transgression And Subversion


In the above essay the Order of Nine Angles (ONA, O9A) is discussed in relation to two articles by the same anonymous author which were published in 2018 by a popular internet based music magazine. One of which articles – Beyond The Iron Gates: How Nazi-Satanists Infiltrated the UK Underground – was devoted to the O9A, with the other – titled Why We’re Investigating Extreme Politics in Underground Music – dealing with artistic transgression, subversion, and infiltration, in general.

As we reveal, the article about the O9A is ill-informed, while the other article reveals a lack of understanding of artistic transgression and subversion. As we go on to note, the O9A defies classification according to mainstream, conventional, ideas, and appears to have taken “artistic transgression and subversion” to the next level.

That the anonymous author, in respect of the O9A, commits the fallacy of secundum quid et simpliciter [a generalization from specific examples] and the Fallacy of Incomplete Evidence was only to be expected.

Related to the above O9A essay is the following analysis by ‘us’ of a propaganda report on the O9A published in 2019 by an Establishment political ‘pressure group’ and hyped by mainstream Media, and in which report the author not only repeats the fallacies of secundum quid et simpliciter and of Incomplete Evidence, but also makes over twelve basic, factual, errors about the O9A and indulges in outright fabrications and misquotations.

Twelve Basic Errors
(The State Of Hate Report)


More Lies About The O9A

Posted: June 19th, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, O9A Nine Angles, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Polemics, The Sinister Dialectic, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on More Lies About The O9A


With the recent (June 2019) jailing of two young members of a British neo-nazi group for “terrorism” offences, an anti-fascist Zionist financed group based in England with connections to British Members of Parliament, to mainstream newspapers and to television companies has stepped up their smear campaign against the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) repeating and adding to the baseless accusations and lies that they wrote about the O9A in their February 2019 report about the so-called “state of hate” and which report was widely publicized and widely quoted from in mainstream media.

As in that biased propaganda report {1}, in their latest piece of smear propaganda they again try to link the O9A to paedophilia and to the promotion of misogyny and rape. They also wrote that “paraphernalia connected to the Order of Nine Angles […] were found at the home” of someone accused of being a member of the now banned neo-nazi group National Action, and that “British neo-Nazis are morphing into Satanic rape gangs.”

In respect of their lie in their February 2019 report that “O9A literature regularly advocates ritualised rape,” we wrote

[quote] A study of the O9A corpus from the 1980s to 2018 – from the pro-Sapphic novel Breaking The Silence Down to the essay The Anti-Patriarchal O9A Ethos – reveals the O9A attitude toward women, with the O9A code of kindred honour embodying respect for women and gender equality and with the O9A having [according to an academic] “more female supporters than either the Church of Satan or the Temple of Set [and] more women with children.” Nowhere in the corpus of O9A texts written by Anton Long between the 1970s and 2011 does the O9A advocate rape. In fact the O9A consider rapists as suitable candidates for culling. {2} [/quote]

We even helpfully provided a link to an O9A text distributed in 2015 which suggested that rapists are indeed suitable candidates for culling. {3}

Furthermore, several O9A documents refute the smear, the lie, that the O9A condones and encourages paedophilia, with one O9A text written in 122 yf – 2011 ev – making it clear “that individuals of certain proclivities, involving children, are regarded by us as dishonourable individuals who most certainly are not of our kind.” {4}

As befits their anti-fascist fanaticism, the Zionist financed group continue to use the Big Lie (große Lüge) technique, not only repeating their allegation that Myatt is involved with the O9A while failing to provide and evidence whatsoever but also continuing to attribute quotations by other people to Myatt, again failing to provide any evidence for their allegation. {5}

As befits their simplistic way of thinking, the writers of the Zionist financed anti-fascist group also continue to commit the logical fallacy of secundum quid et simpliciter. Which is the use of particular individual cases to form a general rule to then use that rule to describe, and thence to blame, or to castigate, or to defame a whole group.

Thus they illogically and propagandistically take the example of a few individuals with certain personal proclivities and fantasies, and who may support some aspects of O9A occult philosophy and praxis, as representative of the O9A as a whole.

Meanwhile, as befits their lack of even the most basic research – and/or their desire to place lies and propaganda and hate before truth and hope – these anti-fascist fanatics continue to ignore the fact that the O9A, esoterically understood and appreciated, is at its core neither neo-nazi nor ‘satanist’ but is a sinisterly-numinous occult tradition which

“is concerned with individuals undertaking an often decades-long hermetic anados (ἄνοδος) by which they might discover Lapis Philosophicus and thus acquire wisdom. A practical anados manifest in the O9A Seven Fold Way.” {6}

June 2019 ev

{1} In the space of the five pages given over to the O9A the author of that O9A section committed over twelve basic, factual, errors ranging from outright fabrications to misquotations. The errors are detailed at https://www.o9a.org/2019/03/fake-news/

{2} https://www.o9a.org/2019/03/fake-news/

The quotation by an academic about the O9A and women is from J.R Lewis, Satanic Attitudes, in Asbjorn Dyrendal, James R. Lewis, Jesper A. Petersen (editors), The Invention of Satanism, Oxford University Press, 2015. p.191; pp. 194–196.

{3} https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/culling-o9a-code-v3.pdf

The text describes a real-life incident.

{4} https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/o9a-and-children-v2.pdf

{5} Their false attribution of quotations to Myatt is exposed in https://www.o9a.org/2019/03/fake-news/

{6} https://www.o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/nazi-o9a-v2.pdf


Anti-O9A Propaganda Exposed

Posted: September 12th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Heretical Texts, Howard Stanton Levey, Inner ONA, Labyrinthos Mythologicus, O9A, Order of Nine Angles, Order of the Nine Angles, Satanic Heresy, The Sinister Tradition, The Sinisterly Numinous Tradition | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Anti-O9A Propaganda Exposed


Anti-O9A Propaganda Exposed

Since the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) publicly and controversially emerged on the Occult scene in the 1980s – with its affirmation that human sacrifice was part of traditional Satanism, and with its Mass Of Heresy in praise of Hitler – many self-professed modern ‘satanists’ (who follow the modern materialistic, law-abiding, ‘satanism’ developed by Howard Stanton Levey, aka Anton LaVey) and many self-professed followers of the modern, kabbalah indebted, Left Hand Path invented by the likes of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Aquino’s Temple of Set, have spread propaganda and lies about the O9A.

For the fact is that the O9A presented “a dangerous and extreme form of Satanism” {1} and directly challenged both the modern materialistic ‘satanism’ developed by Levey and the modern, kabbalah indebted, Left Hand Path with its Hebrew Otz Chim.

Thus it is not surprising that the anti-O9A crowd, following or indebted to or inspired by Levey-type ‘satanism’ – or following or indebted to or inspired by a kabbalah indebted Left Hand Path – would spread such propaganda and lies about the O9A.

For O9A folk were – in all but name – modern Occult heretics, given their promotion of National Socialism, given their holocaust denial, given their affirmation of the necessity of human sacrifice; given their tough physical challenges such as spending at least three months living alone in the wilderness; and given their practical Insight Roles lasting around a year whose “sinister-numinous” options included being an assassin or a burglar or a monk or a medic or a police officer.

O9A folk were also heretical in terms of their Occult philosophy, promoting a septenary system in place of the accepted Hebrew Otz Chim with its ten-fold sephera (a Hebrew system used by all non-o9a modern Occultists) and claiming that their septenary system represented the genuine Western Occult tradition and pre-dated the Hebrew Otz Chim by centuries.

We present here a few of the most popular propaganda statements made, and lies spread, about the O9A by the anti-O9A crowd, together with the “heretical reality” which debunks each of those propaganda statements and lies.
